This simple picture depicts pairs of strange quarks as they pop into and out of existence alongside the permanent quark residents of the proton. Nuclear physicists have found that strange quarks, though present for just tiny fractions of a second at a time, also contribute to the proton's properties.

After reading the article on Strange Quarks, it became very apparent that the Strange Quarks create the dynamic equilibrium within a proton. Dynamic is the key word here because without the Strange Quarks, the internal force of the proton would decay through the flow of time. The Strange Quarks contribute a disequilibrium, a counterequilibrium and then back into balanced equilibrium and so on, within the nucleus to maintain the strong force throughout the flow of time. All of this is infinitesimal but it represents a proton's inner functioning as a non-temporal identity - relatively speaking. Of course, consciousness plays the most vital role in all of this - and unfortunately, modern science seems very reluctant to allow such an understanding of reality to seep into the bedrock of its mechanistic paradigm...

The flow of time wears away everything mechanical. A mechanical version of the subatomic nucleus would only lead to entropic oblivion, not to a maintained equilibrium, as exemplified by the proton. The question is, what makes it necessary to have a continuity of equilibrium at the subatomic level? This question suggests that purposiveness exists at the quantum level of physics. Why? Because it is absolutely true that a perpetual motion machine cannot exist, but a perpetual motion consciousness can. And that is the implication of the Strange Quark model of the proton. The conscious purpose of those Strange aspects of the quantum field is to create an ongoing inner dynamic tension so that the proton as viewed from the "outside" will maintain the appearance of "immutability". It is Strange that a subtly dynamic interplay between unmoving equilibrium and apparently intermittent random change ends up presenting an outward appearance of unchanging stability. The appearance and disappearance of the Strange Quarks in relation to the two up quarks and one down quark of the proton seem to suggest that their Strange Presence at very specific spaces and intervals maintains the appearance of "spacetime" nondecay at that level of reality. To be able to maintain and respond to an as yet unknown function of the spacetime quantum field - such that through some kind of inner shock created by Presence, a proton will appear not to decay - implies that a consciousness of some sort is able to know in advance exactly what is required so that the proton's appearance of "immutability" is maintained through the ever-changing flux of spacetime. A machine cannot respond to an as yet never before known set of variables that is about to unfold in each moment. Only a consciousness rooted in the Present and capable of Co-creatively Dancing with the Unknown is able to be always New, and yet still appear to maintain the appearance of "changelessness". A Real Dancing Wu-Li LovePlay...

"Right" and "wrong" are relative values at best. Ultimately every question will lead one to Truth because there is nothing to answer...

There's more, but more than curiosity is required...


